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Fixed term contracts - new rules from 6 December 2023

In August, Workplace Law hosted a webinar on Fixed Term Contracts and the upcoming changes when engaging fixed term employees. We want to remind employers that, if you haven’t already, it is critical that you act now in relation to your fixed term employee arrangements.

In August, Workplace Law hosted a webinar on Fixed Term Contracts and the upcoming changes when engaging fixed term employees.

The changes include new rules about:

  • how long fixed term contracts can be
  • extending fixed term contracts
  • offering new contracts that are substantially similar to previous contracts

Additionally, from 6 December 2023, employers will need to provide new fixed term contract employees with a “Fixed Term Contract Information Statement” (yet to be published) before, or as soon as possible after, they enter into anew fixed term contract.  

As it is only 3 weeks until these changes commence on 6 December 2023, we want to remind employers that, if you haven’t already, it is critical that you act now in relation to your fixed term employee arrangements.  

For assistance with your businesses fixed term employee arrangements, existing clients should contact one of Directors, Athena or Shane directly.

For new clients, please contact our Client Engagement Manager, Annette Martin via email or call her on (02) 9256 7500 - Annette will arrange a time for you to speak to one of our Directors.

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