Posts: unfair dismissal application

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unfair dismissal application

FWC finds employee’s inaction was a valid reason for dismissal

Access denied

There are certain restrictions in Australia on the types of people that may be lawfully employed by an employer. Specifically, a person can only work in Australia if they are an Australian citizen, permanent resident or they have a valid visa with work rights.


FWC finds safety critical employee’s drug use amounted to a valid reason for dismissal

Bad track record

In safety-critical workplaces, it is essential that employers not only have in place robust safety standards and policies but also that they regularly enforce them and penalise infractions appropriately.


FWC warns that offers of redeployment should not be based on assumptions

Pride & Prejudice

An employee’s dismissal will not be a case of genuine redundancy if it would have been reasonable in the circumstances for the employee to be redeployed within the employer’s enterprise or one of its associated entities.


What can employers do when employees pre-emptively commence proceedings

The empire strikes back

Managing disgruntled employees can often be a difficult and drawn out process. It may often also be difficult to see the path forward when an employee who is subject to management action seeks retaliation by lodging grievances or commencing proceedings against their employer.